Got to ask your partner?

Published on 16 April 2021 at 21:27

Imagine the scenario!

Working class individual whose career is centered around a commission based pay.

Whats that? we hear you say. Commission???
If you're not up to speed with the relevant inside workings of commission, it means that said individual is often paid a low basic wage and the rest is made up by selling a product. Without selling that product, the money to pay the bills isn't there. Apologies, we weren't intending to be sarcastic or teaching people how to suck eggs. There will be some of you out there who understand it perfectly and some of you who won't.

Whats that got to do with you buying a car? You may ask. Well... erm, nothing really. As long as you're buying that is.

If you really have to ask the other half, then you're not really buying. If it requires a joint decision and if you're a serious buyer, then both of you would be standing (Or sitting) in front of your sales respresentative, ready to make that decision. And not putting up any walls.

The sales process and the best financial outcome for you should be explained in great detail by the sales team, ready for you to take that next step to getting behind the wheel of that new motor. If you're on your own and need authority, then its clear you're not buying.

Please be honest. If it's just information you're after, then stipulate.
These guys and girls on the front line will be more than happy to provide and may even request some form of contact details from you to send it across, if you really need to ponder or ask the boss. Then you are able to do so at your own pace.

-Will B ;)

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