Never buy a car on the back of...
...what a brochure says is a vehicles claimed miles per gallon.
Whys this?
Quite simply, a manufacturer has to represent a claimed figure of what a vehicle is capable of. But let's live in the real world shall we.
Putting it in laymans terms, when a vehicle is tested before coming to market, it will undergo all manners of tests. In facilities, on roads, on tracks etc.
As mundane as it may sound (And we can only mean that from a testers perspective), there is a test that a vehicle will have that will see it driving around for hours on end at the lowest of the speed limits available. The vehicle will also most likely at the time of the test be clear of extra passengers and luggage.
So, when you buy your shiny new broom broom, you begin to fill it with things, carry items in the boot, hang things from the dashboard or mirror, carry a child seat, maybe a passenger or two.
If you're carrying luggage, have an open sunroof, activated air conditioning etc., it all adds to decreased miles per gallon.
And so does driving more than 30 miles per hour. Who'd have thought eh?
So, before you embark on getting serious with sweet little Jenny* behind the service desk at your local dealership / garage, about why your vehicle isn't doing the claimed 70 MPG as to what is stated in the brochure and thats why you bought it in the first place, have a think about your car and what you bung in it, who you carry and how you drive. We can guarantee that the majority of you are not driving miss daisy!!
*Jenny is purely coincidental by the way. It could be Sharon, or even Steve..
-Will B ;)
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