Got a noise?...

Published on 19 April 2021 at 23:45

I get this awful noise when I hit around 90!

Good for you. Off you pop.

Honestly, what do you expect your dealership / garage to do about it?

Investigate it? Diagnose the problem? Fix it?

If you're in the line of work of telling jokes, then that is seriously a good one.
You see, in order for your local establishment to determine a cause of fault, it will at first require a road test. This road test allows the technician to get a feel of what your complaint with the vehicle is.

But hang on! You said you got this noise when you hit around 90?

Lawfully the highest national speed limit in the UK is 70. So, in theory, what you are asking your garage to do, is break the law. Is that correct?

As much as they would love to help you, unless that noise, thump, grind, whine or tick presents itself at 70 MPH or lower, then there isn't a lot that your garage will do.

And complaining further up the tree to the manufacturer will only get you told exactly the same thing.

And as we've been at the side of customers expressing disgruntlement at the safety of their vehicle whilst this "Noise" is presenting itself, if you're actually doing the speed limit and the noise isn't present, it's actually safer. I'm sure the local boys and girls in blue would agree with that as well.

We could always get their opinion if it matters that much!

So, its fair to say that "When" your vehicle presents the noise at 70 or lower, take it into your garage and ask them to investigate. They will only test up to 70 on roads that are eligible to do that speed and if they can't find anything at the time of test, it will come back to you as "No fault found".

And before you suggest that you drive while a technician sits with you, don't expet that to happen either.

-Will B ;)

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