You're just trying to make extra money...
... out of me!!
As much as that would look to be true, it isn't.
Additional products mentioned to you by your Service Advisor aren't a moneyspinner to part you with more hard earned pennies. They're trying to endorse a product that has been tried and tested and beneficial to your vehicle.
Take a look at today's society and lets see what we are faced with.
Everywhere you look theres a product. And if you look even harder, there's that same product, but cheaper.
Consumers these days are always looking for a bargain and more often than not, will pick up the cheaper alternative, use it, find out its crap and then tarnish every similar product, regardless of price, with the same brush. Then when offered a similar product, will turn their nose up at it.
Whereas, its choosing these cheaper alternatives, that are the reasons why these products exist in the first place.
The most common products endorsed by your local garage are often mentioned because the technician working on the vehicle has made a suggestion that the vehicle could do with them.
These "Common" products are fuel cleaners and oil flush treatments.
Both of these to the average customer may appear false economy, butfrom our perspective they aren't.
Cheaper alternative products extend to all manner of things and one that stands out over the rest is "Go go juice". Fuel to the rest of us. The big corporations have it licked, put several additives in their product to keep your motor in top nick and then charge you a premium at the pump for it.
The not so big corporations (The ones that don't dig big holes in the earth to extract stuff), well... Errrr, not so much.
Hence why its cheaper.
Although the cheaper go go juice acts just as well as the more expensive go go juice, it does its damage over a longer period of time, which can lead to reduced consumption, carbon build up and engine failure.
Fuel suppliers little known additive is called "Keep clean technology". As an example, in a premium fuel, this could be up to 500 parts per million litres of fuel, which will help keep your car running silky smooth.
In a less premium fuel, this could be up to 100 parts per million litres of fuel.
Do you see where we're going with this now?
Imagine your fuel lines to be similar to human arteries and cholestrol build up inside. Untreated, it will cause you problems. A fuel treatment will often carry a much larger consistency of keep clean technology per million litres of fuel and using one every 6 months with a full tank of fuel, will ensure that your vehicle is acting in exactly the same way it did when it was fresh off the production line.
And this means saving money. It means you can still use the cheaper fuel for one. And nobodies going to make bones about that (Sorry, bad pun).
The oil flush treatment is often reserved for the less concerned motorist that as we found in the industry, would skip a service or two, meaning that the oil in the vehicle at a service, would be more akin to treacle than dirty oil.
It does go deeper than that as well. You are less likely (From a diesel perspective) to suffer DPF problems, with a regular oil flush at every service. And if you're one of those that purely bought a diesel because the MPG was better over a petrol, yet only drive 200 miles a month, having a smaller chance of suffering with blocked DPF issues surely is a must?!?!?
We're not saying its a given, you could still suffer, but it reduces that chance.
Small prices to pay for the longevity of your vehicles lifespan.
Instead of the savings you find up front, think of the savings you will have over a period of time. So if you're offered one of these products, take up the opportunity, they're under good recommendation.
- Will B ;)
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