Service plans...

Published on 23 April 2021 at 23:15

They're a bit of a joke, aren't they?

If you have already got one, well done. We don't mean that sarcastically, we actually mean well done.

No doubt if you've ever dropped your vehicle off or picked it up, you've been thrust with being asked about a service plan quote. To some, this could be pushy selling and offputting. We aren't all susceptible to learning about how something can save you money.
And anyway, the first initial part is shoving a sheet of paper under your nose with what will be a price of covering your vehicles service for a couple of years.

Since we're not affiliated with any dealer, group or manufacturer, you'd probably expect us to side with the "They're a bit of a joke" brigade. Nope!
We actually think they're a pretty good deal.

Take a look at the bigger picture. Put the old "Dealer after my money again" mindest to the side and look at it from a different angle.
The service plan was devised by manufacturers for one thing. To preserve the condition and value of your vehicle, whilst saving you money at the same time.

How's this?

The manufacturers are the ones that set the service schedules for your vehicle. These schedules keep your motor maintained to a level that adds value, when you decide to part ways with it.

The downsides to a service plan is the payment options. Most would pay on the day of the service and this will come at the current costs at the time.
With a service plan its all in or monthly payments.

Now, if you are presented with a "Quote", don't discard it, that sincerely would be foolish.
Nobody can put a finger on the actual costs of your vehicles service over the period of time you own it, because inflation depicts this year on year and that can't be guessed.
However, the quote you are given is for the duration of your ownership. No inflation, no nasty surprises, you receive the same level of service and replacement service parts designated for that schedule and its invoiced directly to the manufacturer.

Yes, they're inflation proof!

Yes, they're interest free!

If you're able to pay up front, great. If not, never fear. Monthly payments will take care of that and put it into a pot ready for when your service next comes round.

Talk to your dealer / garage about it. Every manufacturer has a plan ready to take on. Similar principles, although some may differ from another. But all designed to save you money in the long term.

Check with your dealer / garage on the small print though. Never sign up for anything that will ultimately cost you more money, or lose it in the long run.

Things to think about are transferrable plans should you change your vehicle midway. A lot of manufacturers offer this, but we cannot speak for every single one of them.
Some offer a cancellation, ready to start another plan on another vehicle.

So, although in plain terms, these service plans are a fantastic idea, so they're not to be sniffed at. And they help keep your warranty intact with necessary software updates that the modern vehicle needs.

Honestly, we know they're not everyones cup of tea, but you'd seriously be bonkers to even not think about it. And your local establishment, despite whether you think they're out for your blood (Sorry, money), will only be too happy to run through with you the benefits.

They may be a business and they may want your money, but they do have your motor's interests at heart.

- Will B ;)

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